The IKAM – ACF Consortium is a framework for collaboration, pooling efforts and good practices between the Institut Kôrè des Arts & Métiers (IKAM) and the African Fund for Culture (ACF) for the professionalization of the African creative sector.
IKAM is a unique higher education institute in West Africa. It trains in the following fields: cultural management and entrepreneurship, leadership, curatorial studies, cultural journalism, cultural policies…, following an educational concept based on the social and solidarity values of the peoples of Africa and adapted to the emergence of cultural and creative industries. It specializes in the organization of training boot camps in Africa. It is approved by the Malian State to deliver professional Master’s programs in cultural management and professional Bachelor’s degree in cultural engineering.
The African Culture Fund (ACF) is a pan-African organization registered in the Republic of Mali with which a headquarters agreement has been established. It aims at the professionalization of the cultural and creative sector of African countries and the African diaspora.
In this regard, IKAM and ACF have been collaborating for two years in the professionalization of the African creative sector, through ACF ACADEMY which organizes a series of boot camps trainings in all regions of Africa.
ACF ACADEMY is a pan-African program to professionalize and strengthen crafts in Africa. This is an initiative of the African Culture Fund that aims to stimulate and strengthen the competitiveness of African arts professionals through the organization of artistic training camps (arts trainings) and artistic creation residencies and capacity building in cultural management in the five (05) regions of Africa.
Boot camps and capacity-building series are organized by the IKAM – ACF Consortium with adequate and modern infrastructure, with an African and Western faculty made up of experienced experts.
Find below the profile of the faculty.