What is Kôrè Gallery ?
The Kôrè Gallery is an art gallery located in the city center of Ségou (Mali), at the Quai des Arts, by the river on the site of the Festival sur le Niger. It is a very attractive gallery with easy access. It is an exhibition space which is divided into three adjoining spaces (two exhibition halls and a store for storing the works).

What are the objectives of Kôrè Gallery ?
The aim of the Kôrè Art Gallery is to provide an appropriate exhibition space for artists from Ségou and Mali.

How does Galerie Kôrè work:
modes and means of action?
Exhibitions at Kôrè Gallery generally run on the basis of results produced during workshops from February to June.
The rest of the time is spent on other visual art exhibition projects.
Visits to all exhibitions at the Kôrè Art Gallery are free and open to the public and the gallery is wheelchair accessible.

The quantitative and qualitative results of Kôrè Gallery
Several dozen exhibitions have been hosted since the creation of Kôrè Gallery until today.

The Institute Kôrè of Arts and Metiers (IKAM) in Ségou, Mali, created in September 2013, specializes in training in cultural entrepreneurship.