What is Maaya Cultural Entrepreneurship?
The Maaya Cultural Entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurial model with multiple objectives combining the specific community values of Mali – called Maaya – and the general concepts of entrepreneurship to serve the community.
It builds, manufactures and distributes goods and services based more on strategies, human resources, wealth and local knowledge.

What are the objectives of Maaya Cultural Entrepreneurship?
The objectives of Maaya Cultural Entrepreneurship are multiple, namely: to ensure sustainable cultural, social and economic development, based on the fundamental values of Malian society, while integrating the requirements of a modern management model.
Maaya Cultural Entrepreneurship in video
How Maaya Cultural Entrepreneurship proceeds: modes and means of action.
The four stages of the Maaya process are:
- Create a grassroots collective, a basic nucleus, Maaya entrepreneurs
- Bring together the actors, create synergy effects and obtain consensus
- Define together the general principles within a framework of good governance with a good business plan
- Effectively implement the actions defined by competent men.
The quantitative and qualitative results of Maaya Cultural Entrepreneurship:
A community of Maaya Entrepreneurs created.
Presence of Maaya entrepreneurs in more than 8 African and European countries (Burkina, Togo, Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania, Congo, Ivory Coast, Netherlands,…).
Existence of creative collaborations between members of the Maaya community.
A series of three sessions per year on the concept with an average of 15 people per session, or 45 people trained on the concept per year.
More information on this field?
The Institute Kôrè of Arts and Metiers (IKAM) in Ségou, Mali, created in September 2013, specializes in training in cultural entrepreneurship.